Healthy Eating and Active Living

Healthy eating and physical activity are two key behaviors that help people of all ages achieve and maintain a healthy body weight and reduce their risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.


GVPH is committed to ensuring that all residents have access to healthy, affordable foods and safe, convenient opportunities for physical activity. The places where people spend time influence the options that are available to them and the choices they make. Therefore, we support employers in worksite wellness, healthy eating in local stores, and focus on healthy food and physical activity for our youngest residents through our WOW Coalition, which partners with public schools, early childhood education, and care centers.

For more information

For more information about Healthy Eating & Active living, please contact:


Shaq Davis, BSPH

Public Health Education Specialist, 

Youth Wellbeing Engagement Specialist

919-693-2141 x297

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